Consecutive Interpreting (CI)

Quality consecutive interpreting for all large-scale or private interpersonal business needs and events

In the fast-paced world of cross-border business communications, one of the most recognizable forms of multilingual interpretation is consecutive interpreting (CI). Commonly employed to facilitate cross-cultural business meetings and political summits, consecutive interpreters begin the work of interpretation when the speaker they will translate has paused naturally or during dedicated intervals, depending on the speaker’s and the audience’s preferences.

Usually standing or sitting next to the speaker, the consecutive interpreter will listen intently to the speaker and use notetaking to keep pace and assist in moment-to-moment translation. A CI interpreter’s notetaking includes notes to guide the interpreter and assist in delivering a complete picture of the whole meaning of what is being said, rather than interpretation in small pieces. While note-taking, interpreters will typically hold eye contact to focus solely on the speaker (rather than their own notes) to capture the speaker’s true intentions in communicating. Notes taken by one interpreter may be difficult to read by another, as these notes convey a story through a sequence of unique, language-neutral abbreviations and symbols that allows the interpreter to convey their reconstruction of the last two, five or even ten minutes with professional skill and ease. These notes allow the reader to combine both memory and the record of written symbols to recreate the message during a pause in the exchange.

Consecutive interpretation is a highly skilled exercise, as the CI interpreter must convey not only the speech accurately, but also the manner in which the speech was originally conveyed. Consecutive interpretation is usually required in small group settings such as negotiations, training webinars, formal dinners, appointments, court rooms, round-table discussions, and interviews. CSOFT offers a range of solutions for your consecutive translation needs including:

CSOFT also offers simultaneous interpretation services.

CSOFT’s Interpretation Services

Whether you are hosting a conference for multilingual audiences, or your global customer support demands the simultaneous translation of online discussions, CSOFT can deliver affordable, high-quality interpretation services and solutions for all your real-time translation needs.

Also referred to as interpreting, professional interpretation encompasses a number of different verbal translation models, each providing a vital link to inclusive, real-time communication needs that can vary widely by scenario. From capturing the attention of all present for an international event without losing the upbeat pace of a presentation, to ensuring patient-centric communications with patients and clinical trial participants, multilingual interpretation is one of the most important forms of localization both for businesses looking to add value to their offerings and for companies facing rigorous regulatory demands for inclusive communications.

Visit our interpretation services main page.

Delivering Quality Consecutive Interpreting

CSOFT’s extensive network of translators and interpreters can deliver expert translations effectively and efficiently. Our consecutive interpreters are fully qualified to prioritize information given and distinguish between primary and secondary information. CSOFT offers a full range of interpretation solutions for a wide range of industries in 250+ languages including:

CSOFT offers interpreting services in over 250 languages.

Quality Assurance


作为一家通过ISO 17100:2015ISO 9001:2015ISO 13485:2016认证的公司, CSOFT华也国际的翻译流程包括多轮校审,遵循风格指南,使用具有至少7年经验的主题专家(SME)和语言学家。凭借20多年的行业经验,我们已经开发出成熟的翻译、编辑、校对(TEP)以及项目管理流程。



CSOFT华也国际深谙安全管理敏感信息对客户的重要性。为了确保最高的保密标准,CSOFT华也国际的数据和安全程序通过了ISO 13485:2016ISO17100:2015ISO 9001:2015的认证,并符合ISO 27001信息安全的最佳实践。在我们所服务的所有行业和部门中,这些协议确保了在整个本地化过程对敏感信息和隐私的保护。


Data Security

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