Meteorological Translations

Providing high quality, rapid meteorological translation services for all meteorological communication needs.

A subdiscipline of atmospheric sciences, meteorological translation covers the science of both weather and the climate. The meteorological industry requires a wide range of services to support daily activities, including operational weather forecasting, long-term strategic decision-making capabilities concerning the utilization of new energy production technologies, and utilizing the existing energy sector to reduce pollution and greenhouse gas emissions. As a truly global subject, the meteorology industry impacts communities in all countries. In and outside the context of climate change, the meteorological industry demands localized content for all its sectors, including the private entities it influences. CSOFT’s expert team of 10,000+ in-country linguists provide a wide range of document translations in multiple file types to support this global industry including:

Meteorological Translations

Providing End-to-End Meteorological Translation Services

CSOFT’s network of software engineers, subject matter experts, and linguists support global companies in the meteorology industry to collect and provide localized information to produce forecasts. With the transmission of information regarding atmospheric conditions passing through numerous channels, including computer systems, weather centers, and modeling software, precise multilingual localization solutions are imperative for effective communication in the field. CSOFT offers localization support for the following functions of the weather prediction industry:

Delivering Rapid Turnaround Times for Time-Sensitive and Proprietary Meteorological Material

Front-end communication between society and the meteorological industry regarding weather changes, inclement weather warnings, and more, is an important function of the meteorological industry. Broadcasters must convey information to viewers in a way that is culturally appropriate, regulatorily compliant, and linguistically accurate. CSOFT offers a wide range of translation services, including television broadcasting localization, to ensure the successful delivery of weather prediction information to global audiences.

Meteorological Translation

Renewable Energy Translations

Today, industries, manufacturers and governments worldwide are funding large-scale programs to advance wind power, solar energy, hydropower, bioenergy and electric energy projects. As the global demand for more sustainable forms of energy increases, so does the need for translation and localization solutions to support these initiatives in world markets. CSOFT can help alternative energy providers capitalize on low-carbon initiatives and expand the global reach of their solutions through targeted translation and localization efforts, enhancing their brand presence, reducing time-to-market, and ultimately building a cleaner future.

Learn more.

Quality Assurance

Quality Assurance

Professional, high-quality localization of a service or product is critical for translation solutions in global markets. CSOFT understands the importance of accurate translation, which is why we have developed a process for quality assurance to ensure that any project that is translated meets quality standards in a timely manner that is also cost effective. Our advanced translation technology management system allows for translation projects remain in one centralized location, updated in real time, to ensure CSOFT has you covered every step of the way. Additionally, we are certified in ISO 17100:2015ISO 9001:2015, and ISO 13485:2016, ensuring our customized solutions meet global regulatory requirements and our clients’ highest expectations for quality.

Learn more about our quality assurance processes.

Speak to us today!

For more information on how CSOFT can assist you with your translation requirements, please contact us through this website, or call us at +1-617-263-8950.

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