Marketing Translation Services

CSOFT’s marketing translation and localization services help companies across sectors succeed with seamless brand communications across languages and market regions

In today’s fast-paced globalization trend, marketing translations are essential to gaining visibility for businesses entering the global market. While every piece of content that represents a product needs to be well localized to thrive in overseas markets, even companies with well-defined international brands face distinct demands for marketing translation services to continuously capture their brand voice and messaging for all of the regions where they aim to compete. From ensuring that a brand is discoverable in online search channels and communicates fluently in social media, to capturing its core message and key selling points (KSPs) in multilingual collateral and email campaigns, marketing translations and transcreation projects are a vital link to an international identity with truly globalized communications that many brands cannot afford to do without.

With our global network of 10,000+ linguists and cross-channel marketing specialists, and with coverage for more than 250 languages, CSOFT offers end-to-end marketing translation support for global campaigns, including:

Learn more about CSOFT’s end-to-end translation services support for all business needs.

Digital Marketing Translation: Online Localization Solutions for Brands of All Kinds

The digital revolution has fundamentally transformed business and marketing strategies worldwide, particularly for business-to-business (B2B) and business-to-consumer (B2C) engagement. As more information flows exclusively across multichannel digital platforms, enterprises must continuously publish content to support their online stores, social media channels, help and customer support resources, and even Internet of things (IOT) devices and features – all of which now face a growing mandate for multilingual content that has been localized for specific world markets.

With CSOFT’s digital translation services, enterprises can confidently develop a competitive online presence while extending their digital content for a global audience, ensuring they reach customers across languages through this all-important medium.

Learn more about CSOFT’s digital translation solutions.

Multilingual SEO Website Translation: Making Brands Discoverable to Global Audiences

Brands competing for attention in their domestic markets know how important search engine optimization (SEO) is when it comes to beating their competition for visibility on browsers like Google and Firefox. The same is true of international markets and multilingual internet search environments, where people from hundreds of different language backgrounds all use their own native preferences for expressions and search terms to try and locate information about brands and products. Invariably, it is the brands that craft their website content to match what interested buyers will be searching for that gain the most traction in new markets, whether competing with established local players in their sectors or other international brands also pursuing market entry.

From domain and URL structure issues to keywords in page content and even Google Ad campaigns, CSOFT’s SEO website translation services can help ensure the success of any global marketing campaign from the website level up.

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Social Media Marketing Translations: Keeping Beat to the Pulse of Any Market

Social media marketing is how brands connect with potential consumers and users in real time, offering the chance to engage with audiences interactively through day-to-day post content tailored to their interests. In overseas markets, resonating with local tastes requires the expertise of in-country linguists who are familiar with the products and services they are translating for, expectations from consumers, and prevailing norms for brand communications in their markets. Often, this requires creative translation (transcreation) to effectively break down and rebuild the core ideas a brand wants to communicate in a way that is suitable for target audiences.

Learn more about CSOFT’s social media translation services.

social networks

Email Marketing Translations: A Time-tested Pathway to Sales and Conversions

Despite being one of the earliest digital engagement channels, email marketing remains an extremely reliable form of communication for marketers looking to drive call-to-action based sales and marketing campaigns. To rapidly grab readers’ attention and convince them to click through to your website or landing page, each email you send in another language needs to be at least as engaging as the multilingual website you are hoping to funnel people to. With short attention spans, only well-crafted messages that capture your key selling points in local, market-effective language is likely to win buyers.

Learn more about CSOFT’s email marketing translation services.

Mobile Ad Translations: Localizing a Full Range of Mobile Ad Formats

For advertisers publishing ads to appear in the interfaces of smartphone apps and mobile games, obtaining multilingual in-app advertising (IAA) through high quality mobile ad translation is an opportunity to harness growth from highly dynamic marketing channels with a potentially global audience. Doing so effectively, however, requires localization and transcreation (creative translation) support to capture key selling points and deliver brand messages across languages for maximum appeal within this brief, dynamic format.

Learn more about our mobile app translation services.

Advertising and Promotional Material Translation Solutions

When entering markets, reaching consumers in their preferred languages is one of the fundamental criteria for converting potential audiences into buying customers, making advertising and promotional material translations a key requirement for growth in a wide range of sectors and service areas. From pamphlets and product catalogues to eCommerce promotions and on to press releases, CSOFT offers end-to-end coverage.

Learn more about our advertising and promotional materials translation services.

Multilingual SEM Boosts Paid Online Search Results

When it comes to online businesses marketing to various countries and regions, the battleground of the search engine results page (SERP) depends on a few key factors, one of them being multilingual search engine marketing (SEM) localization services.

One of the most effective ways to reach new customers, SEM aimed at international audiences requires translation, localization, and, in certain cases, transcreation in order to satisfy the search engine’s requirements and to achieve conversions. Localization services for SEM allows businesses with international customer bases to get the biggest bang for their buck by adapting the original language used in their keyword, key phrase list, and digital ad campaigns so there is maximum traction and all target demographics can feel and become engaged.

Learn more about our SEM localization services.

Luxury Brand Marketing: Translations Worthy of the Finer Things

For luxury brands that have established visibility and prestige in international markets, localizing a specific campaign is a somewhat delicate matter that needs to protect that prestige while communicating forcefully and impactfully across languages. Often targets for criticism, luxury brands need to proceed cautiously when creating campaigns for unfamiliar cultures in new markets, all while making the kind of no-detail-spared impression that defines luxury. In short, these brands need the best of consistency and quality, combined with the added cultural insight of expert, in-country linguists who can adapt messages as needed and verify their viability for local audiences.

Learn more about CSOFT’s luxury brand translation services.

Quality Assurance


作为一家通过ISO 17100:2015ISO 9001:2015ISO 13485:2016认证的公司, CSOFT华也国际的翻译流程包括多轮校审,遵循风格指南,使用具有至少7年经验的主题专家(SME)和语言学家。凭借20多年的行业经验,我们已经开发出成熟的翻译、编辑、校对(TEP)以及项目管理流程。



CSOFT华也国际深谙安全管理敏感信息对客户的重要性。为了确保最高的保密标准,CSOFT华也国际的数据和安全程序通过了ISO 13485:2016ISO17100:2015ISO 9001:2015的认证,并符合ISO 27001信息安全的最佳实践。在我们所服务的所有行业和部门中,这些协议确保了在整个本地化过程对敏感信息和隐私的保护。


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